
Showing posts from November, 2018

How to block an Email address from Gmail and iCloud mail

Email users are now continuously harassed by spam emails, advertising emails or unwanted emails. If you’re are also frustrated by this, and your email inbox is full of unnecessary email, then read on. Here is how to get rid of this and prevent emails from a specific emails address to reach into your Gmail and iCloud mail inbox. How to block an Email address from Gmail on iPhone Open a ‘Web Browser.’ Go to through the browser to open Gmail. Enter your ‘Gmail ID and Password’ and click on ‘Sign in.’ If you’re already signed in then, you don’t need to sign in. Scroll down through the Gmail inbox and find the email from the address, you want to block. You can also directly search for that into the search box by typing the name associated with the email address. Click on the email to open it. Now, click the ‘Downward-facing arrow’ icon or more options button. It is on the upper-right side of the open email screen. Clicking this will open a drop-down me...

How to Share Pages, Keynote or Numbers File using iCloud

Apple has made our lives really easier. iCloud has some wonderful uses. One of its uses  is that if you use Pages, Keynote or Numbers on your iOS devices, then anything you make can easily share what you created. Well, there is one more good news, the person you share the documents with doesn’t need to have iOS devices. All they require is a web browser. How iWork Works? Well, If you have ever dismissed Apple’s productivity apps as unsuitable, then you are misconceived. Features of iWork apps now represent a learning curve. Let’s be clear, Pages is for word processing, Numbers is for creating spreadsheets and keynote is for generating presentations. Apple has even though improved iWork apps over years but sadly it has also removed some good features in the process too. Some cool and popular features are making a comeback soon.   How to Share Keynote, Pages and the Number files from iPad and iPhone? Go to the file in Pages, Keynote or Numbers on your iPad and iPhone that...